”Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.”
—Tony Robbins.
We all know someone who has NO idea what to do with their life…no idea about what they want to accomplish nor what kind of life they want to live.
So they mindlessly follow what society and their parents and friends tell them to do. Go to school, Get Good Grades, Get A Job, Get Married, Retire, etc.
This is the set of instructions that we’ve been given from birth, which promises us a life of so-called ‘‘fulfillment, happiness, and success.’’ We’re taught to do whatever they say to be respectable members of society.
But honestly, this script does not give you true success and the life of your dreams.
Take a look at most of the people who are currently following this script.
A typical day for them looks like this:
They’re unhappy, spend 8 hours in a job they hate, are lazy, watch TV, eat junk food, and go to bed.
The next day when they wake up, they repeat this pattern all over again. There’s no fulfillment and no purpose.
A lot of us are slaves to our bad habits. We do things we don’t want to do, and work jobs we don’t like. You’d think we have no choice but to suck it up and live like this until we retire.
We think, MAYBE, ONE day(who knows when), we’ll end up rich (by saving every last penny!) and retire when we’re 60 years old and finally have peace.
I used to have this mindset until I learned from people far more successful, happy, and richer than me. These people did not follow the script put by society at all.
The way they lived was very different from what was normally told but seriously rewarding.
I was amazed, it was like a door had opened to opportunities I hadn’t thought possible. All these successful people did one thing in common that changed their life forever – which I’ll be explaining to you now.
What type of life do you want to live, an unfulfilling life of the 99%, or a fulfilling life like the 1% of people?
Decide now.
You can change your life around the minute you decide you will, and take action.
I promise you 100% that if you follow exactly what I’m about to teach you, your life will completely transform.
So, what can we do to really achieve genuine success and happiness?
“If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.”
-Jim Rohn
Answer: Setting goals and creating your life vision.
Decide now what you want your lifestyle to be like and who you want to be.
If money wasn’t an issue, what would you be doing?
The world is full of endless possibilities and miracles, genuinely pick goals that make you happy.
Or else society will plan out your life for you. Write down a list of goals you want to accomplish with a burning desire. 📝
It would be best if your goal has the following: ✨
a) within the deadline of one year.
b) has a specific amount. (For weight loss, financial goals, etc.)
c) be specific on HOW you will accomplish your goals.
For example:
‘’I want to be fit and lose 10 kg by dieting and going to the gym nearby.’’
‘’I want to publish my new book and sell 10k copies, by contacting a popular publishing company.’’
‘’I want to get promoted to ____ in my career and earn __ amount of salary, by learning new skills and becoming a more efficient employee.’’
‘’I want to live in Hawaii permanently, by getting a job there.’’
‘’I want to make more friends and create a deeper bond with my family, by taking them on trips and having deeper conversations.’’
Once you wrote down a list of goals, CHOOSE YOUR TOP 3 and focus on achieving those first.
Forget about the other goals until you achieve the top 3.
Your ‘WHY’ power:🔥
Next, write down your WHY.
Why do you want to so badly achieve these 3 goals?
How would they change your life when you do?
Feel the emotions of happiness, pride, etc. when you achieve these goals, and write them down.
Your ‘WHY’ is extremely important, it will remind you to keep going even when you feel like quitting.
Once you’ve discovered your life vision and set your goals, now it’s time to change your life! Here are 4 ways to stop wasting your life by using your goals:
If you give your attention to things that aren’t genuinely important under the idea of being ‘balanced’ with all parts of your life, you will regret it.
All those tiny, pointless activities you do in your day suck up so much time when added.
If you want to completely transform your life situation, you need to focus on your MORE IMPORTANT AND MEANINGFUL GOALS.
The secret ingredient to success is hard work – toward a clear vision of what you want.
You need to be hell-bent on spending your time and energy on your top 3 goals. Be crazily focused and put in hard work and effort to progress them.
Now by doing this huge effort every day, this is when The Compound Effect starts working.
The Compound Effect does not work when you’re just dipping your toes into the water. You need to completely cannonball dive into the goal.
By doing so, the Universe will reward you beyond what you asked.
”Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.”
— Stephen King, author
No one is going to reward you with your dream life if you spend most of your time doing meaningless tasks, like, watching entertainment to ‘relax’, or spending too much time outside partying.
You won’t be rewarded, but maybe you’ll just feel regret later on for not putting more hard work into something that would have been meaningful.
Spoken from my own experience. Sob!
Even the things you think are beneficial, like reading books or listening to informational podcasts, can distract you from the REAL work you need to be doing…
It’s important to learn, but if you can’t use the information to ACTUALLY improve your life, then what’s the point?
I’m talking about learning stuff like gardening when your bank account has tumbleweeds blowing through it.
Make sure to get your priorities straight. Decide now that you’ll focus on your future rather than temporary pleasure!
”If everything’s a priority, then nothing’s a priority.”
― Frank Sonnenberg
One of the most important lessons you can learn in life is to prioritize important things in your life and ignore the rest.
Find the most time-draining habits that you do every day.
Work on eliminating or reducing the bad habits that are unnecessarily taking up too much time, such as watching TV, scrolling through the news, and spending too much time with family, and friends.
Of course, our family and friends are super important.
Schedule hours when you’re going to work on your goals and also for family and friends. Make sure to ask them to not interrupt you while you are working!
Clearing the clutter requires you to sacrifice things you might enjoy, but it will be worth it as it will help you achieve your dream life in the future! 😀
Spend the extra time you have to work on your goals! (While taking care of your health, of course). The best way to find more time and be hella productive is doing a dopamine detox.
Now that you’ve cleared the clutter in your life and have more free time, you need to set up habits to achieve your goals.
Committing to habits > Committing to goals.
Goal setting is like, ‘I want to earn x amount of money.’ ‘I want to lose x pounds’.
We feel a sense of excitement from setting goals because the result is clearly defined in our minds. But goal setting relies heavily on your self-discipline to take action.
Unfortunately, we as humans have a limited amount of self-discipline, which fizzes out over the long term and we lose motivation.
And obviously, that’s the opposite of what we want.
When we set habits though, it’s much more impactful and sustainable in the long term. We focus on what we do each day and not just the big picture for the future.
After you figure out the goals that you desire to accomplish, ask yourself, what habits can I do today that will bring me closer to this?
Committing to habits like, ‘I will work for 4 hours on my business every day’ and ‘I’ll go jogging for 30 minutes every morning’.
Focus 100% of your attention on doing these habits every day!!!
Here’s a useful post I’ve written: Creating New Habits – 4 Lessons From The Compound Effect
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”
― Will Durant
The Success Trap (Most People Fall Into):
Imagine someone who desires to build a business and be financially free.
They have a full-time job, which eats up most of their day.
In their free time, they relax on their phone and spend their time doing other activities which are not as highly rewarding as their goal of building a business in the first place.
They spend more time watching movies than working on their goals, and they would complain that they don’t have enough time to work on them.
Finally, they keep about 1 hour for their business and even that hour isn’t focused work.
Or they’ll make the excuse of, ”Eh, I don’t feel like doing this, it’s just one day, I’ll just relax and watch this TV program.”
Or ”I can’t work on my business right now, I have some other things to do.”
6 months, now 2 years pass by and they’ve barely made any progress, and are at about the same place where they started.
Don’t fall into this trap as most people do.
By choosing to change your actions and showing up every day, you still can decide how your future will be.
You can learn from your past and embrace a great future. You got this! 🤟🏻💗